Daily Prayer - Week of April 27, 2020

Prayer for Thursday, April 30, 2020

God, we look at You for light and faith, always. We ask You to look over our loved ones, family, and friends during these times.  

We can't wait to hug and be with each other again and we pray to You at these times to keep us safe as You always do.  

With trust and faith, and the assurance of Mary and Marguerite, we pray.  Amen.

Jenna Cedeno ’21 


Prayer for Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Lord our God, we wait in expectation. Even in the great distress on earth may there be people who believe and who pray in faith. We thank you for giving us this faith and for letting us pray at all and believe that You will help us through these times.

Today is not a very beautiful day to journey outside, so we ask you to protect us and not lose faith. May we bring this faith to fulfillment for the glory of Your name.

We pray with Mary and Marguerite, Amen.

~  Victoria Balseca  ‘21


Prayer for Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Creator God, change is disrupting our family's routines. During this time, remind us that chaos often precedes creation.

Grant us your peace and hope for the future. Move us through this time with grace so that, in time, we find new life in our family.

With belief in creative possibility, and with the models of Mary and Marguerite, we pray.


~  23rd Publications.


Prayer for Monday, April 27, 2020

Lord, as we walk down this challenging journey, we ask You to be our constant companion, particularly on days when we are disheartened or when we have strayed off of Your path.

When we are downcast, like the disciples on the way to Emmaus, we ask that you lift our spirits. When we are confused, we ask that You enlighten our minds. When we are disappointed, we ask that You give us hope.

You, Lord, have blessed us with Your gospel, and with Your LIFE. Open our minds and hearts to understanding Your word. Let Your teaching take root in our lives and guide us with confidence and Joy in Your ways.

As Your disciples, You invite us gently into Your heart. With a spirit of welcome and humility, we invite You to dwell with us always.

We pray this with the HOPE of Mary and Marguerite.
