Daily Prayer - Week of April 13, 2020

Prayer for Thursday, April 16, 2020

Lord, as we journey through these days of Easter, we ask You to be our steady companion.

When we are downcast, we ask you to Lift our Spirits. When we are confused, we for Your Enlightenment. When we are disappointed, give us Hope.

Like your disciples who came to recognize You anew in the upper room, let our eyes and hearts be opened to You anew today. 

Amen. Alleluia!


Prayer for Wednesday by Rev. Paul Kollman, C.S.C., April 15, 2020

Lord Jesus, by appearing to her as risen and uttering her name, you transformed Mary Magdalene’s grief and sent her to proclaim the news that you were alive. 

Help us to hear You tenderly speak our names, so that we know You alive for us, and know ourselves made new by the resurrection.

We rely on You, Who live and reign with the Father and Spirit, God forever and ever.



Prayer for Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Lord, You have freed us to be who we really are, Your radiant daughters and sons.

Through the intercession of Mary, our Mother of Mercy, may we bring Your Easter joy and compassion to all, especially the poor and sorrowful.

May the brilliant light of Your risen joy overcome all darkness, now and forever. 


Prayer for Easter Monday, April 13, 2020

Our Good and gracious God, glorious Creator, Father and Mother to us all, as we greet the signs in nature around us: of spring blooms and birdsongs, we give you praise for an even greater sign of new life: the Resurrection of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. 

The sadness and despair of his death and the illness and death of so many around us can only be redeemed by Resurrection, for Resurrection is our guarantee that Justice will triumph, Light will overcome darkness, and LOVE will conquer death.

As we celebrate with Hope this New Life, we dare to ask for Your grace that we may live the promise given to us, by imitating the life of Jesus in reaching out to the poor, the marginalized, the least among us, as we strive to be neighbor to all those we know and hear of in need.

We ask your special blessings today on our President, Governor, Mayor, and all those striving to bring health and relief. Working with them, may we be a beacon of hope and justice to those in need of your love.

We PRAISE you in this Easter season. Change our lives, change our hearts to be messengers of Easter joy and hope. We make our prayer through Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord forever.
