Daily Prayer - Week of June 15

Prayer for Friday, June 19, 2020

God Our Father, As this school year comes to a close, we reflect on everything happening now, and everything that has led up to the events we face as a world, country, state, and community. Although we did not get to spend part of our school year together in person, we have still been united in faith and united through zoom calls for a different kind of learning environment.

As we have hit the three-month mark of online learning and staying home, and slowly come out of quarantine we can see a Hopeful change in our lifestyle. In the coming weeks, God, we pray that you guide us as we become closer to exiting this quarantine and guide us in establishing NEW “normal” days with our friends and family members.

We also ask you, God, that you send your healing and guiding hand upon those who are still suffering due to covid-19, may they make a safe and speedy recovery and return home to their loved ones soon. And keep Your healing hand over all of our essential workers who still help those who are extremely sick everyday. 

Amidst this pandemic, we have faced other challenges in our country – especially the need for justice and equality. God, Creator of ALL PEOPLE, keep our attention on our country’s need for justice and peace. Help us to stand UNIFIED as a nation of people who must be treated equally and fairly, as we were ALL created by You, and should share your gifts and Your light in every way You have intended.

As we ease out of a hectic school year, keep us mindful of these intentions and your Love through a hopefully peaceful and prosperous summer. Guide us safely back to school in September. Bring our community and our world to safety and health with your loving hand and protection. 

We ask this in your name, with the constant Care and Guidance of Mary, our Mother, and St. Marguerite, our dear Foundress. Amen.

~ Victoria Dimino ‘21


Prayer for Thursday, June 18, 2020

Jesus, You gently invite us into Your hearts and to "be at home with Your Spirit and Father. With a spirit of welcome and humility and Hope, we ask You to dwell with us as we near our summer break.

May we feel Your presence with us in sunny, and relaxing days. We offer our praise and thanks to You for the many ways that You have fed us in these troubled months and provided for our many, and changing needs.

Thank You - Lord, Friend, and Brother. Amen.

With Mary and St. Marguerite, we pray.


Prayer for Wednesday, June 17, 2020

We are not always good listeners, Lord. To listen we must keep quiet, but we always want to have the last word. While you have given each of us one mouth, you have bestowed our bodies with two ears.

Help us to speak with integrity, and to listen twice as much as we speak. We come to You to learn of our Triune God.  This takes quiet, reflective time. Let us “waste” some time this way, O God –QUIET time alone with You.

Our Lady and St. Marguerite, thank you for showing us the way.  Amen.

~  adapted from:  Rev. Thomas Jones, C.S.C.


Prayer for Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Sometimes my eyes are kept from recognizing You, Lord. Open my eyes, and open my Heart! Appear before me, and in me –suddenly, unexpectedly, in Your glory, so that I, too, may proclaim to a world in despair, that I have seen the Risen Lord!

I have seen You in my dreams, and in my future, and at home, when I am safe. Thank You for pursuing me, even when I didn’t realize how I needed You.

You are my anchor of Faith and Hope.  


~  Julia Mandara  ‘21


Prayer for Monday, June 15, 2020

“Holy Communion is entirely suited to set us on fire. But when this charcoal is kindled only on the surface, as soon as it is set aside, it is extinguished. On the contrary, that which is fired all the way to the center is not extinguished, but is consumed.” ~ St. Marguerite Bourgeoys

And so, we pray today, Dear Lord, to BE consumed by Your love, and to let it CHANGE our hearts, growing deeper and stronger, so that as we change, You may be recognized in us, You may strongly love through us.

Grateful for Your love, we pray. 
